Your executive has a sure-fire news story, but you know it won’t interest media. How do you break that bad news to her and keep your job?
Stories by Seth Arenstein

The Metaverse isn’t a Certainty, but Certainly PR Pros Should Explore It
June 6th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinIt’s unclear what the metaverse will look like eventually and when. Still, communicators should investigate it sooner not later.

Confectioners Association’s Successfully Sweet Pitch During Pandemic
June 2nd, 2022 by Seth ArensteinWith June beings National Candy Month, we spoke with Carly Schildhaus, senior manager of public affairs, National Confectioners Association (NCA). She emphasizes the data-driven approach of the group’s communicators and touts the business aspects of NCA’s 25th annual Snacks & Sweets Expo. In addition, she discusses how NCA’s communicators touted chocolate’s sales boom during the pandemic.

High-Tech Company Goes Low-Tech When Filming Crisis-Response Video
May 18th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinHow Avid handled a crisis–promptly, simply, inclusively and authentically–is a compelling story from which communicators can learn.

Bad Facts Hound Parliament, Deshaun Watson and the Cleveland Browns
May 18th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinSome PR crises spring from bad facts, elements in a situation that are difficult to deny. We examine how they influenced two crises.

Terms You Need to Know [2Q 2022]
May 17th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinThis month’s terms to know include Mega Power Frunk and Strive.

Acknowledge Mistakes Promptly, Then Issue an Authentic Apology and Action Plan
May 16th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinToo often, what many perceive as the end of a PR crisis, the apology, seems formulaic. The company or person admits they’ve done something wrong, issues an apology and all is forgiven. We discuss whether an apology remains important in PR crisis work with Nicki Gibbs, chief strategy officer, Beehive Strategic Communication, and Dr. Kerry O’Grady, faculty director and associate professor, Georgetown University School of Continuing Education.

Companies Face Myriad Options on Abortion, None is Easy
May 4th, 2022 by Seth ArensteinCompanies and PR pros likely are facing yet another polarizing issue, abortion. They have plenty of options, though none will be easy.

Should PR Pros Think Like Futurists During This Uncertain Time?
May 3rd, 2022 by Seth ArensteinOne of the few certainties during the period we’re living in is how uncertain it is. That makes communication more complex. Communicators know flexibility and adaptability are vital in message creation at a time of potential global political instability, inflation and possible recession, supply chain hang-ups and a pandemic that lingers. Still, even experienced communicators stumble.

ESG Pros Differ About Who Should Lead Companies on Social Issues
April 30th, 2022 by Seth Arenstein[Editor’s Note: As part of the PRNEWS Social Impact Awards April 20, 2022, in Pentagon City, VA, we convened a roundtable of honorees. We discussed a variety of issues, from who should decide which social issues… Continued