Cultivating strong client relationships should happen on a daily basis, but sometimes it helps to take a formal temperature check on how things are going and where you can improve.
Stories by Melissa Baratta
PR Insider: 5 Tips for Giving a Great Interview
October 20th, 2014 by Melissa BarattaThere is no way to guarantee an interview will go completely according to plan, but here are five tips that can help make the interview successful.
PR Insider: Building a Successful Risk Culture
February 27th, 2014 by Melissa BarattaIt’s the job of every PR practitioner to understand their client’s risk environment and operate accordingly.
#SMW13 New York: 6 Tips to Social Media Success
March 12th, 2013 by Melissa BarattaAt Social Media Week New York, experts from a variety of industries to discuss lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy and best practices for social media campaigns in 2013.
CEO Missteps: 6 Steps to Maintaining Stakeholder Trust
December 11th, 2012 by Melissa BarattaAs a PR executive, what would you do if your company or client CEO has a personal blunder that went public?