This month’s data roundup takes a look at ESG communications, brand trust and the impact of AI on writers as well as consumers.
Stories by Erika Bradbury
Data, Storytelling and Diverse Voices Help Streamline Advocacy Efforts
April 26th, 2023 by Erika BradburyThis month’s roundtable focuses on advocacy work. Participants discussed the importance of finding prominent voices to help support the cause; using a diverse set of voices; and marrying data and storytelling to break through with your message.
Cision CEO: Comms Industry Must Collaborate to be Agents of Change
April 24th, 2023 by Erika BradburyPRNEWS caught up with new Cision CEO Cali Tran to discuss his priorities for the company, and his vision of the future of the communications industry.
American Egg Board Discusses Its PR Priorities, Including Current Egg Prices
April 10th, 2023 by Erika BradburyTo celebrate today’s (April 10) White House Easter Egg Roll, we caught up with the American Egg Board’s new vice president, marketing and communications.
Explainer: What is Deinfluencing?
April 10th, 2023 by Erika BradburyEven experienced PR and communication professionals need a periodic refresher on the basics or insights about new material. Here we offer a brief explainer about deinfluencing.
Keep Focus of Communications on Business Impact, Not ESG Terminology
April 3rd, 2023 by Erika BradburyDespite a large percentage of the population not knowing understanding ESG terminology, it has become entangled in a political battlefield. To reach bipartisan audiences, communicators need to focus on business impact and responsibility.
Why Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Can No Longer be Siloed
March 30th, 2023 by Erika BradburyWe spoke with Elizabeth Northrup of ROKK Solutions about the extension of public affairs throughout communications and the importance of understanding bipartisan audiences in both internal and external responses to societal issues.
Data Roundup: Employee Benefits Expectations vs. Reality; Influencer Pay; Consumer Trust for Business
March 28th, 2023 by Erika BradburyThis month’s data roundup takes a look at benefits companies offer versus what employees want, as well as influencer pay expectations, and how consumer trust in business has changed.
Explainer: What is Green Hushing?
March 27th, 2023 by Erika BradburyOur Explainer series looks at green hushing, when companies remain quiet about their sustainability commitments.
Tech PR Industry Must Work Fast, But Also Be Agile and Proactive
March 20th, 2023 by Erika BradburyIn this wide-ranging Q&A, we talked with Hotwire CEO Heather Craft about the resiliency of tech communicators, the ever-increasing importance of measurement for PR professionals and the power of insights communicators can bring to the table.