Where Do You Stand?

AOL's pending acquisition of Time Warner has put an even brighter spotlight on just how valuable a Web presence can be to your company's bottom line.

To help you decide if your Web site is ready for what lays ahead, PriceWaterhouseCoopers has developed the emm@ benchmark, a tool that assists in the valuation of your Internet site. There are five levels.

  • Level One: Online Presence. A company that has a static site, with minimal ability for interaction beyond email or the company's background.
  • Level Two: Online Business. Customers can browse the site and place orders.
  • Level Three: Integrated Online Business. Customers are linked with key suppliers and third parties while on the site.
  • Level Four: Fully integrated ebusiness. Seamlessly integrating its partners, suppliers and customers into its online operations.
  • Level Five: Continuous Evolution. Business push toward a state of "proactive destruction." As one online business model opens and expands its capabilities it outgrows old patterns and closes them down. Think of this level as a boy reaching his teen-age years, growing out of his jeans and needing bigger britches. (Allan Ripp, 212/721-7468)