Vision Quest: Is Your Org’s Vision Statement Crystal Clear? 

To achieve alignment of your organization’s key stakeholders with the business strategy, the overarching vision statement must be strong and adhered to. Often these statements are lacking, says David Moorcroft, principal at Strategy 2 Communications. Here is an exercise to test the strength of a vision statement:

  1. Recite your organization’s vision statement. 

  2. Think of one action your organization took over the past year that was memorable because it clearly supported this vision. 

  3. Think of one action your organization took over the past year that was memorable because it clearly contradicted this vision. 

  4. What was more powerful and meaningful to you: the vision statement or the action

  5. What’s easier to remember: the supporting action or the contradicting action?

PR News subscribers can read more about aligning employee actions to organizational goals in: "Clear Vision, Dialogue Help Align Employee Actions to Business Goals."