To Engage Facebook Fans, Accentuate the Visuals

Dan Gould

From its banner photo to the ability to "pin" posts, Facebook's Timeline makes photos and images more significant for page managers. In the following Q&A, Dan Gould, manager of public relations for cybersecurity company Sourcefire, says if you are not taking advantage of Facebook's visual storytelling, you're missing a serious opportunity to engage fans. Gould will elaborate on content strategy and community engagement at PR News' Big 3 Conference on Aug. 9 in San Francisco.

PR News: What are the latest trends in boosting engagement on Facebook?

Dan Gould: Most recently, Facebook has updated its Insights to give us all a sense for how content is faring in real time, noting the number of people reached beneath each post along with the percentage of the people who have liked it among those who actually saw the particular post. This means we can now boost engagement via stronger content since we know immediately if a post seems to be something that resonates with your Facebook audience and bears repeating at some point, or if it falls short.

Also, track each post over the course of two weeks in terms of how many people are reached. Do your videos do well? How about photos? Do you often only post links? By examining your own brand's trends, you'll see what works and will be able to boost engagement with your content by keeping your it as appealing as possible.
PR News: How have you updated your content strategy to adapt for the Timeline format?

Gould: Given the infographic-like layout of Timeline, content must now revolve around photos to make the most of this photo-centric layout. This means posting mere links/updates should be a thing of the past. Don't make the mistake of only posting a link without a photo. Not only will those who track your brand page appreciate the photo content in the Timeline, but EdgeRank will also reward you for posting a photo.
PR News: How do you measure social media success?

Gould: That is the million dollar question, and it differs per brand and per campaign. At the Big 3 Conference, we'll look at using real-time feedback to drive better and more relevant content.

Attend PR News’ Big 3 Conference on Aug. 9 in San Francisco and learn more from social media leaders like Dan Gould.

Follow Regina D'Alesio @reginadalesio