To Best Leverage Facebook, Follow the ‘Rules of the Road’

Grace Leong, managing partner at Hunter PR, was immersed in Facebook tactics while working on the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Cheddar Explosion Facebook page launch in 2010. Here are some tips from Leong on how to get optimal results from a Facebook campaign:

1. Map out a “Rules Of The Road” section and post it prominently on the brand’s Facebook page. This gives administrators the ability to state what type of content will and won’t be tolerated and the authority to delete posts that do not measure up.

2. Design an internal comment and response guide for interacting with Facebook page “likers.” Sort anticipated questions/comments into low, moderate and high-risk categories and develop a recommended response approach for each.

3. Create a content strategy and accompanying editorial calendar to make wall posting seamless and provide useful, interesting or entertaining information that will encourage fan engagement.

4. Be familiar with Facebook’s Promotions Guidelines ( Since contests and sweepstakes cannot use Facebook’s primary assets (e.g. the wall, photo tab, video tab), be prepared to create custom tabs and explore ways to leverage Facebook’s assets while still remaining compliant.

See complete premium PR News case study.