Throw the Right Pitch

Once Ritz Communications found the appropriate authors to tell Emmi Solutions ’ stories, it targeted publications with a pitch meant to showcase the articles as valuable news. Ritz’s Patty Keiler and Elisabeth Ritz share specific tips for getting Emmi’s stories told:

Do your homework. “To determine hot or relevant topics for the articles, we scoured the marketplace and reviewed recent coverage and checked out upcoming editorial calendars,” says Keiler.

Stay focused on your brand’s message. “While we used hot topics as a platform, all of the articles focused on Emmi,” says Keiler. “It wasn’t as if there was one paragraph in a more general piece—these were all about using Emmi, about using patient-based communication systems at X institution. So they were really, really targeted.”

But, still keep articles newsworthy. “It’s valuable to note that they used a news hook, a platform, to emphasize what it was they brought to that whole discussion,” Ritz says.

Read the related case study: "Healthcare Communications Co. Reaches Media Through Client-produced Articles."