This Just In…

  • Seven stocks on the NYSE shift to decimal-based trading, and others will follow suit before the SEC's April 2001 deadline. The "currency" change is expected to spark a
    flurry in market activity - particularly among institutional investors and day-traders hoping to pinch pennies. Expect demand for online I/R material to spike.
  • As if Tiger Woods needs any more PR...A Labor Day message from Labor Secretary Alexis Herman characterizes the ongoing economic boom as a "Tiger Woods economy" with
    unemployment at its lowest in 30 years. Herman also said that the average American now holds 9.2 jobs from age 18 to 34, with more than half of these career jumps made between
    ages 18 and 24.
  • Four Seattle marcom agencies are banding together under a common umbrella. The Brickhouse Group promises to offer business clients the capabilities of a full-service
    agency while retaining the flexibility of a small firm.
  • PR Newswire tightens its source verification policy in light of last week's sabotage of Emulex's stock. Staff at the wire distribution service are now required to make
    callbacks to release issuers, verifying content and authorization, before releases are transmitted.