This Just In…

  • Betsy Nichol has resigned as president of Women Executives in PR. President-elect Lisa Kovitz, managing director of Burson-Marsteller, will assume her duties as new
    president. Nichol was unavailable for comment, but Nichol & Co. staff member said, "Betsy left [WEPR] because our business is doing so well, she wanted to refocus her efforts
    back on us."
  • PR NEWS founder and industry pioneer Denny Griswold died at an undisclosed location last month. She was 92 years old.
  • At least half of a company's corporate reputation can be attributed to the public image of its CEO, according to 54% of top-tier executives who responded to a survey.
    Yankelovich Partners, based in Norwalk, Conn., conducted a survey of 600 business leaders in conjunction with Hill and Knowlton and Chief Executive magazine. The results
    reveal customers, employees and company reputations are the three most influential factors in improving a company's image.
  • Katie Paine is new chair of the Commission on Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation of the Institute for Public Relations. The commission was established by IPR in 1999
    to explore best practices in assessing return on investment for PR activities. Paine, who has worked to establish standards for PR measurement, is a founder of Delahaye Medialink
    communications research, based in Portsmouth, N.H.