This Just In…

  • WorkingWoman Network acquires D.C.-based Public Affairs Group (PAG). PAG founder and CEO Edie Fraser, says the acquisition won't affect her role in heading up Best Practices in Corporate Communications and other public affairs/PR initiatives.
  • Nearly 10,000 Chicago students attend a rally promoting abstinence, but media coverage is sparse. Reporters swarm to the other side of town for a naming of a street in honor of Hugh Hefner.
  • PRSA moves into the interviewing stage of hiring a chief PR officer. The organization hopes to have the spot filled by early summer.
  • Former Illinois Congressman Marty Russo joins DC government relations firm Cassidy and Associates as vice chairman, president and COO...Nancy Nielsen, VP of corporate
    communications, leaves the New York Times Co. to head Harvard's Center for the Study of World Religions' Globalization Project.
  • Entertainment industry highs and lows: Nancy Kirkpatrick is named executive VP, worldwide publicity at Paramount...60% of respondents in a poll of
    pre-IPO companies conducted by WTW Associates say they're most likely to raid entertainment companies for executive talent...E! Online names the "Top 10 Movie
    Puke Scenes" in film history, "just in time for Spring Break!"'