The Top Places to Work in PR: Agency—Sterling Communications

Sterling Communications’ employee track record is … well, sterling, having never recorded a single layoff in the Silicon Valley-based firm’s 20-year history—not even during the dot-com bust or the current downturn. Thus, the agency is all about internal growth, beginning at the entry level. Currently, 75% of the staff above the senior account executive level started with the company as account assistants.

“We invest a serious amount of time and energy into our internship experience, the Geared Up Program,” says one employee. “We also place a strong emphasis on educating our employees in social media.”

This future-facing approach has suited Sterling Commu-nications well, making it one of the premier social media relations firms; in fact, tech journalists have ranked Sterling as one of the top agencies for the second time in three years.

Ever the Web gurus, Sterling’s tech-savvy employees create a complete digital experience both inside and out, even going so far as to make their corporate Web site 100% solar powered.

Ultimately, says one Sterling staffer, “We are a team that works hard and then plays hard. We host beach-side barbecues to enjoy summer, commit weekend hours to group volunteering and host cookie exchanges and holiday parties. We also encourage creativity through art projects during our annual agency summit, which then get hung in our offices.” PRN