
Close up of desktop with laptop and abstract glowing digital profile to showcase profile verification.

Why Mandatory Profile Verification is Critical to Rebuilding Trust and Credibility on Social Networks

January 19th, 2024 by

Our author touts the benefits of profile verification for providing clients with trustworthy reputations.

Twitter Escalates War on Fake Profiles and Bot Accounts

July 9th, 2018 by

Twitter has deleted more than 70 million accounts engaging in suspicious and “trolling” behavior throughout May and June, and shows no sign of slowing down in July. This should make the platform more trusted by users and brands, but the effects on its stock price and opportunities for user growth are up in the air.

Analyzing the ‘Instagram Rapture:’ What Happened to Real People?

December 19th, 2014 by

In a massive purging of millions of accounts on Wednesday, Instagram presented a sobering example of the problems in quantifying engagement on the Internet.