Survey Unique When Compared with Other Industries

The NYC/PRSA survey is unquestionably progressive since many of the industry associations we contacted to gather similar data weren't able to shed any light on the image of the professions they represent. PR NEWS called more than a dozen associations, from the American Financial Services Association and American Dental Association to the Air Traffic Control Association. Apparently, most don't ask their members whether they're satisfied with their career choices.

Only two associations, the American Bar Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians, forwarded us information that serves as some kind of barometer of job satisfaction.

The ABA's Young Lawyers Division reported that 62.9 percent of 2,000 young attorneys are "somewhat satisfied" with their careers. The AAFP's attitudinal studies aren't quantifiable, but reflect the benefits and pitfalls of solo practices. (ABA Young Lawyers Division, 312/988-5273; AAFP, 202/232-9033)

How PR Professionals Rank Professions In Terms of Stature and Respect
Rank Profession Mean Rating
1 Medicine 1.89
2 Science 3.24
3 Business 3.83
4 Information Technology 4.74
5 Law 4.96
6 Performing Arts 6.14
7 Journalism 6.38
8 Government 6.57
9 Public Relations 6.89
Source: NYC/PRSA