Seven Pinterest Tips for the First Lady

Michelle Obama

First Lady Michelle Obama gave Pinterest an influential vote of approval on June 13 when she created her own account on the image-sharing social network. The Obama 2012 campaign staff is helping her run the account; all pins from the First Lady herself are signed “-mo.”

The First Lady’s pins are both political and personal. Her page includes three boards: “Around the White House,” “Great Memories” and “Father’s Day.” She’s pinned pictures of everything from a wedding photo of her and President Obama to a tug-of-war with Jimmy Fallon at the White House.

Sharing images on Pinterest is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways of forging personal connections in the social media realm. And just in case she’s paying attention, we’re offering these tips to help the First Lady increase her reach on Pinterest:

  1. Be Creative: Pin visually appealing images to entice followers to like or repin them. It’s about quality, not quantity; it is better to have two inspiring boards than 10 boring ones.

  2. Be Personable: Pins that are accompanied by a clever caption or funny hashtag are more engaging for fans and more likely to be repinned. Hashtags, as well as keywords, can also increase searchability.

  3. Cross-Promote: Link your Pinterest page to other social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, in order to reach a larger audience.

  4. Share the Spotlight: Although it may be very tempting, the platform is not ideal for self-promotion. Instead of pinning solely about yourself or your cause, post about other great causes or events that you care about.

  5. Add Web Site Links: Adding links to board descriptions and/or individual pins will make them more appealing to followers and increase engagement.

  6. Repin Often: People love positive reinforcement. If you see something that aligns with your brand, don’t forget to comment or repin.

  7. Pin Often: Make sure to update your pinboards frequently so that followers do not lose interest.


As of the afternoon of June 13, the First Lady had accumulated 8,011 followers on Pinterest.

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