Say What?

The Cotes du Rhone Wine Bureau is urging reporters to "think red." Believe us, we are. It seems the bureau is hoping to generate press by crafting a faux publicity stunt. "In
the blink of an eye, [our] wines gained the attention they deserve during the 'Rhone Eclipse,'" their release reads. "The World Trade Center, Washington Monument and
Transamerica Building glowed for one brief, moment with the special message: Think Red, Think Cotes du Rhone."

With the release came color photos of said landmarks, imbued with what appear to be monumental projections of the "Think Red" message. The kicker comes at the end of the
release: "Did the Rhone Eclipse really happen? Many think so, and we have enclosed photos in case you missed it." When we called to confirm the photos were doctored, a
spokeswoman evaded the question, then replied, "We're leaving that up to the imagination."

Nice try, but it's not a good idea to lie to the media as a means of generating false interest in something that's not newsworthy. Did we mention we found a dead fly in our
last bottle of vino from the Rhone region? Truth or fiction? We'll leave that to your imagination.