Say What?

We were recently contacted by Howard Galt, author of Outlaw PR, a new book about communicating with the press. We were impressed by Galt's incisive comments in his article
titled, "When Smart People Do Dumb Things with the Press." Unfortunately, we were also impressed by the irony of Galt's message. In his diatribe against "dumb things," he commits
several doozies. Dumb Thing No. 1: touting his prowess as an author, but confusing his homonyms three times: "To [sic] many business people think reporters are immune;" "Your
competition is doing it to [sic];" and "Reporters don't want to hear from no-nothing [sic] 'public relations' people." Dumb Thing No. 2: neither punctuating correctly nor
proofing the article. Dumb Thing No. 3: attempting to circumvent an unresponsive editor by contacting another member of the same editorial team.