Quick Study: Mobile Phone Users Dial Up Social Networking Sites; Customer Relaxation Techniques—New PR Tactic?

â–¶ PR Pros Should Brush Up on Mobile: Almost three-quarters (73%) of mobile phone users (both smartphones and other types) in the U.S. use their phones daily to visit social networking sites; sometimes more than once each day, says a March 2011 study by ABI Research. Other findings include:

• The phone is the preferred device by nearly half of those who access mobile social networks.

• Other most popular phone-based activities are: checking e-mail (80%); checking weather and reading news (63% each); playing music or viewing stock quotes (53% each); checking sports scores (51%); and searching for information (48%).

Source: ABI Research

â–¶ Soothing Environment Drives Consumers: Remember this at product launch time—a study by researchers at Columbia Business School finds that consumers value products on average 10% more when in a relaxing environment. Other findings include:

• Relaxed participants bid 15% higher than the market price for a digital camera, whereas the less-relaxed ones bid closer to the market price.

• Relaxed customers also found “exciting” products or services, like bungee jumping, as better investments. PRN

Source: Columbia Business School