Quick Study: Generation Y’s Bill of Rights; C-Level Executives Like Morning Coffee, Internet; ‘Greenfluence’ in Mass Market

*Talkin' Bout Y Generation: A report released by MeriTalk last week entitled "Generation Y's Bill of Rights" considers how Generation Y (loosely defined as the offspring of

Baby Boomers) obtains information and interacts with the media.

The survey was conducted with more than 2,200 Ys and Baby Boomers in the nation's 10 largest cities. The report was primarily aimed at providing demographic insight in regard

to the upcoming presidential election. Notable findings include:

  • 73% of Ys plan to vote in the November election (42.2 million votes);

  • While just 48% of Ys report a Democratic affiliation, 71% believe that a Democratic candidate is best-suited to lead the next administration;

  • Only 15% of Ys feel a personal connection to their government and 75% say that they would vote for a candidate across party lines;

  • 47% of Ys said that they would actively advocate support for their candidate;

  • 82% of Ys are more likely to get their news through word-of-mouth than Baby Boomers (56%);

  • 46% of Ys seek out online communication, versus 21% percent of Baby Boomers; and,

  • 26% of Ys want the next president to reach them via YouTube, as opposed to just 5% of Baby Boomers.

Source: MeriTalk

*Toast and RAM: The Web is still the most influential and indispensable source of business information for corporate-level executives, according to an online study published by

Forbes.com, in conjunction with Gartner.

The number of executives who prefer the Internet above all other media has increased 37% since 2004, to 67%, and those who prefer traditional newspapers as their primary source

of business news has dropped by 36%. The study also found:

  • The number of C-level executives who prefer the Internet first thing in the morning has increased 22% since 2004, while those who prefer to read the newspaper first

    thing in the morning has declined 11%;

  • C-level executives consume media on the Web more than any other medium (TV, radio, magazines, newspapers), at 41%;

  • More than two in five C-level executives believe the Web offers the most informative advertising;

  • Senior executives are increasingly utilizing the Web to find information and shop; and,

  • Senior executives are researching their competitors and industry trends online on a daily basis.

Source: Forbes.com/Gartner

*Sphere of Greenfluence: A poll of almost 12,000 Americans conducted by Porter Novelli has revealed that a small yet influential group of consumers, dubbed "Greenfluencers,"

has established a firm grasp on purchasing decisions and trends in today's mass market.

Consisting of about 4% of the U.S. population, the young, racially diverse and politically active demographic is eco-savvy, even though they still retain many relatively

mainstream lifestyle choices. The report also concluded that:

  • 16% of the population are "Non-Green" and partake in no eco-friendly activities. Almost half qualify as "Light Green," doing between one and four activities;

  • More than a quarter (27%) qualify as "Medium Green," doing five or six of them; and just 7% do seven activities and qualify as "Dark Green;"

  • More Greenfluencers (15%) than non-Greenfluencers (13%) always vote Democrat;

  • 41% of Greenfluencers, as opposed to 20% of non-Greenfluencers, have contacted their congressman or senator; and,

  • Music and reading are the most widely enjoyed activities among Greenfluencers;

  • With an above-average income, Greenfluencers are more likely to buy the highest quality products no matter what they cost, even though only 28% explicitly express this


Source: Porter Novelli