Pressing a Reporter on an Error: When to Make a Move

Everyone makes mistakes. But a reporter's error has the potential for huge reputation fallout. Gary Wells, senior managing director at communications agency Dix & Eaton, has had some brushes with the media in the past. If a reporting error is egregious, Wells will insist on a correction. But, he says, there are gray areas, and times when you should back off. Wells stresses that whatever you decide, make the decision quickly. Here are some questions to ask yourself if faced with a misquote or misstatement:

• Is the error just too egregious to ignore?

• Will it cause a ripple throughout your various audiences?

• Will it lead to people having the wrong perception of your brand or organization?

• Will people be making decisions about your organization based on this error?

“If the answer to all of these questions is no, then you might just as well let it go,” says Wells.

Read more on this story in PR News.