The profitable intersections between business and social progress
are explored in Aiming Higher. In the Amacom book, David Bollier of
The Business Enterprise Trust chronicles 25 companies' experiences
addressing social issues while turning in profitable business
performance. To order for $24.95, call Amacom at 800/262-9699...There
may be no way to make management easy, but making it more
understandable--and possibly fun--are the aims of "Managing for
Dummies." One of the latest titles in IDG Book's popular "Dummies"
series, this book is by consultant Bob Nelson, a management consultant
with Blanchard Training and Development Inc., and freelance business
writer Peter Economy. The 350-page book covers dozens of management
topics, including hiring, monitoring employee performance, budgeting,
motivating, and working in teams. To order for $19.99, call 800/434-
3422...What do the continuing spate of media mergers mean for free
speech and journalistic integrity? Some viewpoints on this are found
in the Spring/Summer 1996 edition of the Media Studies Journal,
published by the Media Studies Center of The Freedom Forum. Articles
address media regulation, the aims of media moguls, and media
competition and partnerships. To order for $8, contact the Media
Studies Center at 212/317-6500.