PR Pulse: When Bad Ink Creates Good PR

From the silver lining in the dark cloud department: On May 4, a quintet of young women in New York announced they were hosting a beer party fundraiser on behalf of Planned

Parenthood of South Dakota. The event was to protest South Dakota's upcoming abortion ban (the first outright prohibition on the procedure since 1973's Roe v. Wade decision)

and was slated to take place at Cafe Grumpy in Brooklyn. This might not have raised a blip on anyone's radar had the event's press release not caught the attention of

Alicia Colon, a columnist for the right-wing daily newspaper The New York Sun. Colon devoted a full column to condemning the event and its organizers. Needless to say,

Colon's slam only served to generate a wave of attention for the hitherto obscure happening, and other media outlets (including the daily Metro New York newspaper and the

influential online magazines Gawker and Salon) sought out the organizers for interviews. The fundraiser netted a respectable $1,500.