September 3-4: Clemson University, School of Professional Studies, "Effective Seminar/Conference Marketing," Chicago, 864/656-3990.

September 10-13: Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development, "2nd Annual Educational Conference and Exhibits," Palm Springs, Calif., 312/422-3738.

September 15-16: International Investor Relations Federation, "The 8th International Investor Relations Conference," Stockholm, 201/822-7410.

September 16-19: The Center for Corporate Community Relations, "Strategic Planning," Boston, 617/552-4545.

September 18: Public Affairs Council, "Measuring the Value of Public Affairs," Arlington, Va., 202/872-1790.

September 18-19: Effective Communications Group, "Advanced Writing & Interviewing Workshop," San Francisco, 201/444-3147.

September 19: Public Affairs Council, "Benchmarking Public Affairs," Arlington, Va., 202/872-1790.

September 21-24: American Marketing Association, "Marketing Research Conference," Orlando, 312/648-0536.

September 22: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., "Understanding Congress(UC)," Washington, DC, 202/887-8620.

September 22-23: Effective Communications Group, "Advanced Writing & Interviewing Workshop," Los Angeles, 201/444-3147.