Fueled in part by the pharmaceutical care movement and an increase in the direct marketing of healthcare services to consumers, some state boards of pharmacy and industry trade organizations have embarked on ambitious public relations campaigns to promote the value of pharmacists.

Common themes running through many of the successful PR efforts include enhancing the relationship between pharmacists and consumers and driving home the message that pharmacists should play a vital role in a patient's healthcare.

One of the most extensive statewide PR initiatives was launched in October by the California State Board of Pharmacy (CSBP).

The elaborate advertising campaign, entitled "Ask Your Pharmacist," is a comprehensive media blitz that includes radio, television, and print venues.

"There are 32 million consumers in California. One of the best ways to educate consumers we found is through TV news, radio, and newsprint," said Marilyn Standifer Shreve, president of the pharmacy board.

Shreve said that at the heart of the decision to go directly to the consumer is the board's belief that the health and welfare of the people are best protected by encouraging pharmacists to become patient advocates. (CSBP, 310/798-8000) The Senior