On the Record

Kiplinger.com, the Web sibling to Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine, welcomes 35,000 to 40,000 visitors daily. PR NEWS caught up with Editor Mark Solheim to find out how
the site is addressing consumers' financial fears in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and how media relations pros can make appropriate pitches in the next couple weeks.
His insights:

What's your current focus? "The best thing we can do is be encouraging. We've been trying to offer comments from experts and to call attention to past crises in which the
market has initially toppled, but then rebounded within the year. We have seen the most reader interest in the 'what to expect' category. Clearly there was a lot of anxiety about
the market reopening, and about how people can safeguard their investments."

What expert sources are you seeking? "For the next few weeks it will be useful to talk to financial planners and others who have individual investors as clients. While it's
interesting to read the macro view (which sectors are going to benefit next) from brokerage firms, analysts and newsletters editors, our readers want to hear comforting words from
someone who is saying, 'don't panic, it'll get better.'"

What's in the works? "We're working on a story that urges an evaluation not just of your investments, but of all your finances. Things like checking up on your credit card
bills to make sure they got there and possibly switching to electronic bill paying. Also, the IRS has relaxed the tax deadline. We're suggesting to people that they get their
records and estates in order. It's just something you think about when there are tragedies like this. Also, we'll probably keep up with what's happening in the travel industry
since it's such a big-ticket topic. We'll keep people apprised of the most recent policies of the major airlines, and what to do if they don't want to travel in the next couple

Can you use any evergreen ideas at this time? "Every Friday night, we post what we call 'the weekend project.' It's usually a longer term 'get your finances in order,' or
'get a new mortgage' or 'buy a new car' type project."

Will the events of September 11 affect your editorial approach in any way? "We've had an incredible, warm response from people who follow the site. It makes me think there's
a way to do all this that's a little more personal. We're not a mega corporation; we're a family-owned business. I'd like to capture that more. If any PR people have ideas for
how we might accomplish that, I'd love to hear from them."

(Contact: Mark Solheim, [email protected])