New York Magazine

444 Madison Avenue

New York, N.Y. 10022; ph: 212/508-0700

Editor's Note: It's been our general impression that the New York media outlets are the hardest to gain access to (for two reasons: the hectic newsgathering environment in which these pros operate and the occasional prima-donna attitude). But New York Magazine editors are among the Big Apple's most accommodating. Close to half a million people read this publication every week and it's evolved from its original purpose of reporting about - and interpreting - trends in the New York area to analyzing issues, like AIDS, affecting society at large. Its content comes with a bite, so expect your pitch to be equally saucy!

Sections Editors Days to Contact/Days to Avoid Methods Comments

Anything goes and this magazine rests its reputation on its brassy, irreverent style. It's looking for news with a wide span of spins: could be about politicians or politics or quality-of-life issues. Content fashioned for this publication is somewhat hodgepodge and across-the-board: the sporadic column that is as sarcastic as it is scintillating; content that's Wall Street-focused; scoops that are celebrity-watch driven; and news tinged with trends- and lifestyle-flavored snippets.
Contributing Editor, Craig Horowitz; Fax: 212/583-7516 Avoid Wednesdays and Thursdays since the magazine's various sections close on either of those two days. It's put to bed late on Thursday. Horowitz doesn't have any preference over snail mail or faxes, but he definitely discourages phone calls. Also, Horowitz cautions that for only a "very brief" period of time was he the contributing business editor, but PR reps are still sending him all business-related news. He does, however, write occasional pieces with a business theme. "The most important factor is to be familiar with the magazine," says Horowitz. (We hear this so much it's almost becoming the Media Insight mantra!) "Ninety percent of what we get is completely off the mark."

It's likely if a story gets legs in the mainstream media, New York magazine might follow the crowd, but its reporting/editing will still produce stories with that edge. Editors use the morning hours to read major publications like The Wall Street Journal and the New York Daily News to find out what's surfaced and what they should jump on. Its http://www.
site mirrors its print publication, but is still evolving.
Features Editor, Maer Roshan; Fax: 212/583-7516 Adhere to the schedule mentioned above. Roshan prefers faxes with a one-week lead time, but he'll accept last-minute news if it's a need-to-know pitch or idea. Editors at New York Magazine rely heavily on freelancers and contributing editors. You may have to cultivate relationships with these columnists since they usually decide what they write about. "It shocks me the amount of press releases and pitches we get that are so wrong for our magazine," Roshan says. You'll have a much better shot if you do some investigative work to uncover what the magazine's covered, and if you deliver something in writing that's brief and has bulleted points.

Editorial Contacts At New York Magazine

Main Number - 212/508-0700

Caroline Miller 212/508-0700

Managing Editor

Sarah Jewler 212/508-0700

Executive Editor

John Homans 212/508-0700

Senior Editors

Susan Dominus, 212/508-0772

Ariel Kaminer, 212/508-0707

Hugo Lindgren, 212/508-0574

Brian Parks, 212/508-0776

Matthew Weingarden, 212/508-0782

Features Editors

Phoebe Eaton, 212/508-0781

Jeremy Gerard, 212/508-0746

Mark Horowitz, 212/508-0737

George Kalogerakis, 212/508-0787

Maer Roshan, 212/508-0790

Culinary Editor

Gillian Duffy, 212/508-0794

Consumer Products Editor

Corky Pollan, 212/508-0784

Contributing Editors

Health, Susan Brenna, 212/508-0642

Classical Music, Peter G. Davis, write only

Pop Music, Ethan Smith, 212/508-0529

Film, David Denby, 212/508-0821

Online, Simon Dumenco, 212/508-0894

Food, Gael Greene, write only

Television, John Leonard, 212/508-0524

Entertainment, Barbara Lippert, 212/508-0525

Book Reviews, Luc Sante, write only

Theater, John Simon, 212/508-0788

Art, Mark Stevens, 212/508-0770

Dance, Tobi Tobias, write only

Politics, Michael Tomasky, 212/508-0799

Contributing Editors, General

Michael Gross, 212/508-0548

Peter Hellman, 212/508-0818

Craig Horowitz, 212/508-0737

James Kaplan, 212/508-0745

Eric Konigsberg, 212/508-0549

Deborah Mitchell, 212/5080-0817

Nancy Jo Sales, 212/508-0805

Christopher Smith, 212/508-0845

Alex Williams, 212/508-0754