Netiquette: How to Say It Online without Being : + &

Though the following expressions should be used sparingly, we wanted to be among the first to let you know about the latest online vernacular.

*poof* )) has left the chat

BEG )) Big Evil Grin

CRBT )) Crying Real Big Tears

HUB )) Head Up Butt

IWALU )) I Will Always Love You

PAW )) Parents Are Watching

PDS )) Please Don't Shoot

S^ )) S'UP (What's Up?)

o:-) Angelic

(::()::) Bandaid

|C| Can of Coke

:-# Lips are Sealed

@[_]~~ Mug of HOT Coffee or Tea

@--)--)(-- Rose

:-& Tongue Tied

Source: Chatter's Jargon Dictionary