More than a Third of B2Bs Shun Social Media

B2B Communicators are Under-Utilizing Social Media: Of 548 B2B communicators surveyed by Eloqua, about 40% say they are not yet using social media in their communications.

And 25% of respondents say they don’t know how their company plans to use social media marketing in the future.

Other findings include:

  • Respondents say that social networking platforms are most often managed by a public relations department (26%), followed by a variety of departments (23%) or a website team (11%). Still, about 23% of respondents say that social media is not under the control of any one department.

  • 43% say that their company has no strategy in place for incorporating social media into demand generation.

  • 20% say a lack of tools prevent them from using social media for lead generation, and another 33% say a lack of strategy is attributed to an unclear understanding of the value of social media.

  • B2B companies are using social media platforms for a variety of reasons: 83% to create awareness for their company or brand; 56% to get visitors to share messages socially, broadening reach; and 55% to increase trust by accumulating social followers.

Source: Eloqua

Follow Scott Van Camp: @svancamp01