Millennials Say Lives Enriched by Social Media Bonds

Social Media Makes Millennials Feel Good: 47% percent of Millennials (age 16 to 34) believe that their lives feel richer when they’re connected to people through social media. In contrast, just 28% of non-Millennials feel the same way, says a study by Boston Consulting GroupBarkely and Service Management Group. The study, aimed to identify differences that are generational and not simply related to age, also finds that U.S. Millennials aren’t lazy like earlier studies suggest, and are actively engaged in consuming and influencing.

Highlights include:

  • Millennials and non-Millennials spend roughly the same amount of time online, but Millennials are more likely to use the Internet as a platform to broadcast their thoughts and to contribute user-generated content.

  • Millennials put a premium on speed, ease, efficiency and convenience in all their transactions. For example, they shop for groceries at convenience stores twice as often as non-Millennials.

  • Millennials are much more likely than non-Millennials to explore brands on social networks (53% versus 37%).

  • The study identified six distinct segments of U.S. Millennials that could help companies improve the ways they develop their communications, brands and business models to reach this audience. These segments are as follows, along with representative quotations: Hip-ennials (29%)—“I can make the world a better place”; Millennial Moms (22%)— “I love to work out, travel and pamper my baby”; Anti-Millennials (16%)—“I’m too busy taking care of my business and my family to worry about much else”; Gadget Gurus (13%)— “It’s a great day to be me”; Clean and Green Millennials (10%)—“I take care of myself and the world around me”; Old School Millennials 10%) — “Connecting on Facebook is too impersonal, let’s meet up for coffee instead!”

Source: Boston Consulting Group/Barkely/Service Management Group