Mental Health Benefits Elude HMO Members

Awareness of managed care mental health coverage is low among health plan members, according to a Michigan State University study. In light of a recent report by the U.S.
Surgeon General that indicated mental illness will affect one in every four people at some time in their lifetime, the findings shed light on how important it is for health plans
to develop more aggressive mental health education initiatives.

The study, based on 1,400 adults, found that the elderly are most affected by this lack of information.

This group is less likely to report having mental health coverage with 34% unsure if their health plans covered mental health services. Despite these restrictions, 57% of
seniors said they would seek help for a mental health problem if necessary.

When seeking providers of mental health services, the majority of those surveyed prefer to obtain treatment from a primary care doctor, rather than a psychologist or

The study is published in the February issue of Psychiatric Services.

(Michigan State University, 517/353-7958)