Media Moves

At BusinessWeek, Tom Lowry shifts from corporations editor to media editor, replacing Richard Siklos, who leaves to become editor of Inside Magazine
(slated to launch in November). Lowry will assume his new position once a new corporations editor is named. 212/512-2511...Chicago Tribune business reporter Jim Kirk
becomes the new marketing columnist, replacing George Lazarus, who died earlier this month. [email protected]...Geoffrey Lewis leaves post as managing editor at to become editor-in-chief at [email protected]...Scott Harris joins Industry Standard as senior writer for the Politics
and Policy section. [email protected]. Eileen Buckley joins as staff writer covering finance. [email protected].Sherri
Eng joins as staff writer for the New Gig section covering jobs, employment, careers, and the workplace. [email protected]. Ronna
Abramson and Meredith Alexander also join as staff writers. [email protected]. [email protected]...Ianthe Jeanne
Dugan, formerly with The Washington Post and BusinessWeek, joins The Wall Street Journal covering hedge funds and general assignments.

Media Moves are provided by Press Access. 617/542-6670, x402.