Media Insight – Roll Call

This publication that began in 1955 as the "newspaper of Capitol Hill" now covers congressional caucuses and events for readers well beyond the limits of the DC Beltway - thus reiterating former House speaker Tip O'Neill's contention that all politics is, indeed, local.

To fortify its twice weekly newspaper, Roll Call launched on online edition in 1996, which is updated every Monday and Thursday - the same days the newspaper hits the stands. The Web site menu is similar to print fare, featuring Capitol Hill news, editorials, election scoops, commentary, cartoons and classifieds.

Only occasionally does the site run original content.


Policy Briefings. Pieces contributed by members of Congress, administration officials and academics covering topics from trade to defense. Runs about twice a month.

Welcome Back Congress. A Jan. forecast of impending changes in Capitol Hill concerns.

Guide to Congress. Runs in Sept. Evaluates the last legislative session and committee changes.


Main Contact

Editor, Lee Horwich

Phone: 202/824-6800

Fax: 202/824-0475

E-mail: [email protected]

Political Editor, Tim Curran

Managing Editor, Ed Henry

Executive Editor, Morton Kondracke


Horwich says the idea is more important than the pitch vehicle. Phone calls, snail mail, fax and emails are all good bets.


Although Roll Call sections are handled by various editors, all ideas should be channeled through Horwich. The publication prefers to receive ideas as opposed to finished pieces. "We have our own reporters," Horwich says. "In terms of ideas, we cover Congress and how [members] interact with each other and the larger Washington area."

Recent Stories in Roll Call

  • DCCC Reports 6-Month Record: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will report more money in the bank than its Republican counterparts at the midyear mark.
  • Money Means Bradley Remains Contender, But History Favors Gore. - Columnist Stuart Rothenberg