Media Insight: Los Angeles Times

This new section will give you quick tips on what health news busy editors at newspapers and magazines have an appetite for and what their "hot buttons" are for pitches.

Editor's note: For a top daily in a busy "anything goes" market, a few of the key editors we spoke with were not shy about what works for their health beat. Overall, the editors were friendly but quick to emphasize "don't call unless the news is late-breaking." On the marketing side, here's a heads up: The L.A Times will be launching a new weekly health section on September 8 that will come out every Monday.. ( Deadline for copy is three weeks prior to the issue date.)






News in this section covers a full range of national and local health issues, but pitches have to com-municate "why they should run it now."
Medical Writer: Shari Roan

Phone: 213/237-7619

Mornings are better, but any weekday works before 5 p.m.
Roan is flooded with calls; she'd much rather get mail that she can file away and follow up on. Don't e-mail, she doesn't use it very much for story ideas. Alternative, preventive healthcare issues are key areas of interest for this section right now, as well as mental health developments.

This is where a blend of late-breaking and politically-charged issues run.
Metro Editor:

Leo Wolinsky Phone:213/237-3243 Fax:213/237-4712
Same as above.
Faxes work for Wolinsky better than anything else due to the immediacy requirements of the section. The news peg has to answer, "Why should I run this now?"
New Weekly Health Section

This section will feature news, features, practical tips and health resources. This is a great area to submit new product pitches and promote consumer-health related books.
Interdepartmental: Editors from the Health, Metro, Life/Style and Business sections will have input on content.
Any time before 5 p.m., weekdays, but be mindful that reporters in this section are on deadline between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Faxing and mailing to any of the editors in the Health, Business and Life/Style sections are best for this section.
For marketers, there are several advertising/promotional opportunities in addition to standard ad space that can be negotiated, which include: inserts and banner positioning within key departments. (Ad rates for this section are the newspaper's standard contract rates.)

Editorial Contacts at Los Angeles Times, 213/237-5000 (

Medical/Health Editor: Editor - Joel Greenberg, ext. 4754

Writer - Terrence Monmaney, ext. 7022

Writer - Thomas Maugh II, ext. 7953

Health Editor - Michelle Williams, ext. 6502

Editor - Candace Wedlan, ext. 5143

Writer - Shari Roan, ext. 7619

Metro Editor - Leo Wolinsky, ext. 3243

Business Editor - Bill Sing, ext. 4767

Sunday Editor - Tom Furlong, ext. 4239

Marketing Contact - Mark Treichow, ext. 7321