Media Insight

Men's Health Magazine

You might be surprised to learn that Men's Health editors who get an inside scoop on peer-reviewed health studies that haven't generated a lot of high-profile exposure consider them the "promise land." Cutting edge research on new advances in health and fitness is in line with the magazine's authoritative and insightful position in the men's healthcare marketplace, specifically among men in the 20- to 50- year-old age range.

If your hospital is conducting research in high-priority areas like diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and sexual health, Men's Health wants to know about it. And by the way, you don't have to be a Mayo Clinic or a Cleveland Clinic to get the editors' attention. As long as the research is peer reviewed and credible, it's got an excellent shot of getting coverage.

Other hot pitching tips include:

  • Cool new fitness gadgets;
  • Unique recipes and diet advice that won't overwhelm an audience who may be allergic to pots and pans;
  • Alternative health trends.

HEALTH FEATURES: Surprisingly this popular men's magazine doesn't get pitched much by hospitals. So what are you waiting for?

Aside from a huge need for cutting edge research, let these editors know about what your physicians are doing in the key areas of sexual health, fitness, prevention and wellness.

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: PR Pitches: Senior Editor, Ron Geraci; Fax: 610/967-7725

METHODS: Faxing is your best piching bet. Geraci is notoriously difficult to get on the phone.

COMMENTS: You'll get immediate respect if you show that you've done your homework on the magazine's editorial coverage.

Command credibility by analyze men's health trends as a backdrop to your new procedure.

Even if your pitch isn't used right away, build rapport by providing expert resources, such as physicians who have an established name in a specific healthcare arena and unique analysis on a popular health trend.