Mastering E-mail Etiquette to Media

There's nothing more aggravating than to be at the receiving end of a monster photo attachment that not only exceeds your computer's maximum megabytes but paralyzes it for the remainder of the day. The angst compounds when the reporter is on a deadline. For PR people who need a refresher course on how to communicate with the media via e-mail, here are some basic rules to follow:

Bigger isn’t better. Not everyone has a high-speed connection. Shrink files to no more than 100K. If you can’t do that, post them to your online press room and provide a download link.

Stop left-field pitching. A journalist who places a query on ProfNet or HARO for summer travel ideas really doesn’t want to read your pitch for new air conditioner technology.

Remember and say names. The more you personalize e-mail to media contacts, the more likely they will read it.

Pitch one-to-one. Don't send out a mass e-mail pitch and list all the recipients in the “To” box. Reporters really do not like to see which of their competitors are getting the exact same piece of news they're getting at the same time.

Source: Ragan