Marketers Need to Reach "Greenfluencers"

According to two recent studies, one by the Tennessee-based ad agency Shelton Group and the other by the communications firm Porter Novelli, marketers seeking to push consumers into making greener purchasing decisions are coming up short; however, all is not lost. The Porter Novelli report shows that a smaller group of environmentally aware consumers are attempting to spread the green is good message on their own.

The Shelton Group's "Eco Pulse" study polled consumers nationwide to identify products, services or certifications that were required in order to have a green home. Nearly half were unable to name one feature of a green home, while small portions cited examples like solar power, CFL light bulbs or home recycling.

The Porter Novelli study, which polled 12,000 adults in the U.S, found that a small but influential group of the population is making their voices heard in the growing green movement. Based on this report, about 4% of the population are "greenfluencers," meaning environmentally educated, politically active and socially connected individuals who are driving trends and shaping what green products make it into homes. This group are people friends ask for advice and are almost three times as likelly as the general population to read and participate in blog discussions; also 41% are inclined to write to their political reps. Consequently, this group is on the forefront when it comes to reaching out to newly green consumers.

If marketers do not reach greenfluencers who have the ability to engage a significant chunk of the population, their messages may be for naught, continues the report.

Source: Greenbiz