Managed Care Efforts That Resonate With Consumers

Marketing Strategies That Deliver Targeted Results

In most parts of the country, managed care plans have become the primary healthcare choice among consumers.

The reasons are simple: managed care plans are widely available through employers, there is a vast network of providers to choose from and out-of-pocket costs for medical care
are predictable.

With much about managed care plans being the same, it is imperative that PR professionals craft breakthrough messages that call consumers to action. Every hospital, physicians'
group and HMO has a compelling story to tell that can motivate people to take charge of their healthcare. And because managed care is a cyclical business, it's never too early or
too late to positively influence the decision-making process.

Here are four steps that can help providers connect with consumers.


Make consumers feel good about their healthcare choice at the onset. Whether an organization makes "house calls" to the homes of consumers once they enroll or choose a doctor,
or communicates via email, it's important to connect with consumers regularly to show that they made the right decision in choosing your organization as a healthcare provider.

Since most consumers don't take advantage of their health benefits until they get sick or injured, positioning your organization will prove beneficial so they know where to go
when medical care is needed. It's an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Market Conditioning

It is critical to know what is going on in your market and what impact, if any, upcoming changes will have on healthcare consumers. For example, is there pending legislation
that will change how healthcare is delivered?

Are there hospital mergers, closures or reductions in service that need to be articulated to the community?

Healthcare is one of the most heavily regulated industries and comprehensive market intelligence can provide PR pros with answers that will help keep clients ahead of the

When changes in healthcare delivery occur unexpectedly and without open and honest communication, consumer confidence is often shattered and recovering from these situations
can be difficult.

But doctors and nurses are viewed as credible spokespersons and PR pros should use them as a resource to openly communicate on issues that affect healthcare delivery in a

Micro Marketing

Many different life events can influence consumers to review their health plan options outside the standard window of open enrollment. Most of them are happy events such as
marriage, the birth or adoption of a baby, change of jobs, etc.

Throughout the year, it's a good idea to talk with consumers about how their health plan, doctor or hospital can be important during these changes. With many people living
longer and healthier lives, managed care providers can't afford to overlook mature adults. Knowing what stages of life consumers are approaching offers a marketing opportunity
that can't go untapped.

Open Enrollment

In the healthcare arena, the annual culminating event is the open enrollment season, which usually runs from September through December, with plan changes effective in January.

It's the time of the year that PR pros work hardest to get out messages that resonate with consumers in an effort to break through the competitive noise. This also is the time
when most consumers are open to receiving messages about healthcare.

This is an excellent opportunity to promote offline and online open enrollment initiatives.

It is becoming more common to see traditional benefits fairs being replaced by their virtual counterparts. Open enrollment is even taking place online, eliminating mounds of
paperwork and processing time for employers and insurers.

E-health companies in some cases have created online shopping malls for health plans. Health plan recommendations are made online based on consumer input. Physicians and
hospital selections can also be made quickly online.

Because this eliminates the face-to-face contact that providers once had with consumers, ongoing PR during the open enrollment season must speak to benefit-savvy consumers who
have moved their selection process to the Web.

Ilyssa Levins is chairman and chief creative officer of GCI Healthcare in New York, a global full-service healthcare agency. She can be reached at 212/886-3500.

Her co-author for this column is Patrice Smith, VP of GCI Kamer Singer in San Francisco.