Looking for Winners

Paycheck not covering the Saab payments? One word: Awards. Alice Kendrick took
home $10,000 as the professional who did the most for the betterment, growth
and advancement of the promotional products industry in 1999. Kendrick, an associate
professor of advertising at Southern Methodist University, snagged the first
annual Carl Rosenfeld Education Prize. But the contest is open to PR types too.
Next deadline is Jan. 15, 2001...Meanwhile, the Institute for PR also is gearing
up to bestow two awards. The Master's Thesis Award - for theses authored between
June 1, 1998 and May 31, 2000 - recognizes and encourages graduate study and
scholarship in PR with a $2,000 prize. And the Pathfinder Award, given for an
original program of scholarly research that has made "a significant contribution
to the body of knowledge and practice of PR," also is worth $2,000 for the winner.
(Advertising Specialty Institute, 800/326-7378, http://www.asicentral.com;
IPR, 352/392-0280, http://www.instituteforpr.co