Leverage the Power of Fan Sites for Truly Rabid Engagement

In today’s fragmented media environment, people are seeking out communities online that share their interests and passions. This presents a fantastic opportunity for brands to be more relevant more among captive and engaged communities through fan sites, Facebook pages and Twitter feeds. But to effectively tap into the power of fans and followers, brands must follow a few rules of the road, according to Jared Hendler, EVP, global director, digital & creative, at MWW Group. They include:

  • Be relevant. Showing up is not enough. Content must be relevant to the themes and issues important to the community in order to build excitement and get people talking.

  • Bring value. Focus on information or content that matters to fans versus talking purely about your brand. It’s like a party. What are you going to bring to the table that is of interest to others? It is not an advertising forum.

  • Content drives conversations. Digital media allows any brand to act like a network and publish directly to consumers. Be responsible for the right type of content, and remember that if you bring value to the conversation that content gives folks something to talk about.

  • Focus on action. One of the most powerful attributes of fan communities is that they attract individuals who are hyper-engaged and ready to rally for their cause. Brands should leverage this energy by giving fans an opportunity to influence outcomes and affect change that matters—right now.

  • Get personal. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to fan sites. Brands must do their research to understand the medium and craft customized content with an authentic voice.

PR News subscribers can read more about how MWW Group leveraged the fan pages of major celebrities in the case study: "MWW Has Celebrities to Spare in a Multi-Tiered Campaign to Make Bowling Roll With a Younger Crowd."