Letterman’s Legacy: Top 10 Favorite PR Pros in Movies and TV

Sweet smell of success 3
Tony Curtis as Broadway publicist Sidney Falco in "Sweet Smell of Success"

Would we—"we" being anyone who writes for the Web—be pounding out the Top [fill in the number] lists daily if it hadn't been for David Letterman and his nightly Top 10 lists? The talk-show host has announced his impending retirement, and PR News is commemorating the occasion with a Top 10 list. A brilliant stroke, if we do say so ourselves.

We asked our community of communicators to name their favorite PR pro or old school publicity hound from movies and TV. We list some of them here, in reverse numerical order, as Dave would have it.

10. Kara Monahan, from the movie "Valentine's Day"

9. Liz and Liz, from the TV series "Kroll Show"

8. Bobbi Flekman, from the movie "This Is Spinal Tap"

7. Edina Monsoon, from the TV series "Absolutely Fabulous"

6. Olivia Pope, from the TV series "Scandal"

5. C.J. Cregg, from the TV series "The West Wing"

4. Nick Naylor, from the movie "Thank You for Smoking"

3. Samantha Jones, from the TV series "Sex and the City"

2. Eli Gold, from the TV series "The Good Wife"

1. Sidney Falco, from the movie "Sweet Smell of Success"

We know we left out Joe Clay from "Days of Wine and Roses," but we're saving him for our  Top 10 PR boozehounds list for later this year.

Follow Steve Goldstein: @SGoldsteinAI


2 responses to “Letterman’s Legacy: Top 10 Favorite PR Pros in Movies and TV

  1. You forgot Conrad Brean (Robert DeNiro) from “Wag the Dog.”

    Conrad ‘Connie’ Brean: “What difference does it make if it’s true? If it’s a story and it breaks, they’re gonna run with it.”

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