Key Contacts: Food & Wine

1120 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10036

Fax: 212/764-2177

Just by looking at the cover of this upscale food magazine, you can discern that any story ideas should reflect the finer things in life - wine, caviar and five-star restaurants fill the editorial pages. Press releases from fast food restaurants or even mainstream chain restaurants will be tastefully trashed. Executive Food Editor Tina Ujlaki says the pitching field is wide open for all Food & Wine editors. They'll take ideas by phone, fax, mail and e-mail. Ujlaki, who has participated in "meet the media" panels before, prefers calls or e-mail. Information about upscale new products - especially exclusive information - will get you ink. Any new food products, news about top chefs or restaurants are also of interest. In the June issue, Food & Wine featured Christofle's latest line of crystal, "Babylone."

Don't waste Ujlaki's time with month-old news, unsolicited menus or recipes. Don't send photos unless editors ask. Food & Wine develops all recipes in-house, so "save the paper," Ujlaki says. The editors also won't cover "people moves": new chefs or industry rumblings with general managers of chain restaurants. As for special themes or holidays, Food & Wine's editorial ignores Valentine's Day or other holidays associated with food unless they're desperate for news.

"We do not go great guns on all the Hallmark holidays," she says.

The magazine also has no calendar section, although it has in the past, and will not list any upcoming events. For any new products, contact New Products Editor Monica Forrestall at 212/827-6429; For style ideas or large equipment, contact Associate Style Editor Sonali Rao at 212/382-5820; Travel stories for the Places section go to Travel Editor Kate Sekules at 212/625-0674; Restaurants, bars or drink ideas go to Wine Editor Lettie Teague at 212/827-6493; If you don't know exactly where your idea belongs, contact Jennifer Geddes, Editor-in-Chief Dana Cowin's assistant, and she'll give it to the appropriate editor. Lead time is a bit longer than other monthlies - five to six months, although Ujlaki says one or two months won't make a difference for good stories. (e-mail: [email protected]; main phone: 212/382-5613)