In the Black

It's not as big as AOL, but BET Holdings' new portal, promises a bounty of content, says Retha Hill, vice president of content for the site.

"[It's] a central place for African Americans and those interested in African-American culture to get news, arts, cultural information, music - everything about the black experience in one place," Hill says.

Content for the site, which launches in February, will run the gamut from health, beauty, business and entertainment. Look for interpretations of how mainstream issues affect African Americans.

"We're speaking to a broad demographic - 18-year-olds to grown mature adults," Hill says.

Pitches should mention how the issue or product affects African Americans. For example, an article about breast cancer might include a component about what breast cancer means to African-American women, who have a higher incidence of the disease.

Hill's pet peeves? When pitchers don't do their homework.

Mail ideas to Hill's attention at 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 602, Washington, D.C.