How To…Create A Podcast Worth Downloading – & Worth Doing At All

Judging from the millions upon millions of media hits - and the lines snaking around city blocks for days - apparently Apple released its much-buzzed-about iPhone just

over a week ago, and consumers are clamoring to drop hundreds of dollars on the toy.

Given this obvious (if unhealthy) passion for (or, obsession with) such gadgets - iPods included - it's time to revisit one communications tool well suited to these

technologies: Podcasts.

A combination of the words "iPod" and "broadcast," podcasts are digital media files distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds. (If you are already lost, bigger

problems loom large for your well-being in the digital world.) While they are already a staple in many communicators' portfolios, the etiquette surrounding the creation of an

effective podcast that resonates with listeners is still foggy. How long should they be? What kind of content is best suited for this format? How often should you post podcasts

for download?

Here are some key how-tos for creating a podcast worth downloading:

  • Keep it brief: While the ideal length of a podcast is debated throughout the blogosphere, the shortened attention spans of the average consumers would suggest

    that size does matter - in this case, the shorter, the better. Even interviews with interesting and important people reach a boiling point at which there is an information

    overflow and people start tuning out. Depending on the subject or interviewee, have a list of five key points or questions to focus on, and stick with it.

  • Make it fun: Because of their pocket-sized feel, podcasts are not meant to drone on in "corporate speak" until the listener's eyes glaze over. "Podcasts should

    be entertaining, informative and relevant to the particular audience at hand," says Eric Schwartzman, founder and chairman of iPressroom Corporation. "Companies should

    avoid reading a press release or any other marketing collateral."

  • Think in terms of segments: Any podcast that is longer than a quick YouTube commercial should be broken into segments with natural start and end points. This

    will help prevent you from rambling on and allowing the content to become disorganized and difficult to follow.

  • Get a partner: Having a podcast based on dialogue is inherently more engaging than a one-man show. With this in mind, never monopolize a conversation without

    letting your partner or interviewee get a word in edge-wise; otherwise, your listeners will think your idea of a good time is hogging the spotlight, and no one likes a braggart.

  • Incorporate music: Music helps liven up the tone, and it also serves as natural breaking points between segments; however, use background music with caution, as

    it can be distracting.

  • Quality over quantity: If you don't have the resources to churn out a podcast each week, then don't. Unlike blogs, podcasts don't need to be posted on a daily

    or weekly basis. It's better to create a podcast when you have something really interesting to convey to an audience, and when you have the resources for decent audio equipment.

    Then, when you do decide to bring a podcast into the world, make sure it is packed to the gills with interesting content. After all, people read at all different speeds, but the

    mind digests audio information much more quickly; maintaining a slow pace will result in sudden death.

  • If you love it, set it free: Though you may think otherwise, not everything you create is worth being shown to others. If you have a dead interview or a

    lifeless session, don't be afraid to throw out that podcast and save your chips for a better hand. If you send out every single podcast no matter how mediocre it is, people will

    start to tune you out before you ever have a chance to woo them with your brilliance.

  • Put it on iTunes: Put your podcast online and on iTunes, with links to it from your blog or Web site. That will naturally increase the audience manifold, and it

    will make downloading to MP3 devices infinitely easier.

  • Integrate podcasts into your overal marketing mix: Don't just redistribute sales material or advertisements into a podcast format and think that will fly.

    Content must be exclusive for people to want to listen, and it should complement - not cannibalize - additional communication materials.