Getting Management Support tor Your Pitch

Getting Management Support For Your Pitch

Shauna Causey, a Seattle-based PR manager at cable services company Comcast, won corporate support for an independently conceived CSR initiative—“Voluntweetup” events that would help nonprofits learn social media skills. Causey shares how she convinced Comcast management to support her efforts.

• Stress the brand value. “The kind of change that comes with creating a successful [CSR initiative] also boosts the brand with board members, the customers or clients, and the broader community,” says Causey. 

• Do the homework before the pitch. “I don’t think I could have made it successful if I didn’t have established connections with nonprofits and with the social media community,” she says.

• Show solid results for continued support. “The management who attended the event saw how powerful the program was and heard testimonials from nonprofit execs who were so thankful to have training on social media tools and communication strategies,” says Causey.

Read case study that involved Comcast-supported social media training program.