Editorial: Feature on e-commerce and competition will focus on how organizations can survive and grow on the Internet. Topics of interest include how electronic sales will affect customer service, and how product lines and choices should be established. Case studies of successful transitions to e-commerce and research on trends are welcome.

Deadline: Feb. 21, 2000. There's a two-month lead for this quarterly publication.

Background: 19,000 subscribers made up of professional women working in the financial services industry. Within the readership, you'll find CEOs, presidents, managers, employees and consultants from various sectors. At least 80% of readers are managers or above. The majority of readers represent community banking (72%) and the rest hail from a mix of savings and loan, trust companies, CPA firms and other.

Contact: Kathleen Robeson, Managing Editor, 200 North Glebe Road, Suite 820, Arlington, VA 22003. Phone: 703/807-2007, fax: 703/807-0111, email: [email protected]. Web site: Please email news. Phone contact is second choice with letter last choice. No faxes. If you place a follow up call after sending a release, please just leave the facts - no opinions. Robeson enjoys hearing about women's personal success stories in business and in leadership roles.