Editorial Calendar Alerts

Something Fierce. FierceWireless.com is looking for hip, insightful news about the rapidly expanding business of mobile commerce. The site covers leading companies in
the industry in the form of market analysis and/or executive profiles, wireless product reviews, hard news and gossip pieces. Want coverage? Be thorough in your research and
pitch content that's fun to read. Content is updated weekly, on Fridays. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before deadline. Contact Editor Jeff Giesea at
[email protected], 202/483-3980, National Press Building Suite 2005, Washington, DC 20045.

Rise From the Ashes. The Phoenix is looking for submissions for its upcoming February and May 2001 issues covering all areas of personal recovery and methods of
maintaining spiritual, mental and physical well being. Hot topics include: coping techniques for recovering female alcoholics (and how women deal with the stigma versus men); the
changing role of women in the traditionally male climate of A.A. and other 12 step programs; retreats (how-to guides or reviews of existing retreat options for those who need to
get away and re-evaluate their lives); and how to incorporate fitness regimens into daily self-help routines. Alternative creative submissions also are welcome. Contact Editor
Pat Samples at [email protected] or by phone at 763/560-5199. Content needs are ongoing.

Editorial Calendar Alerts are provided by the National Media Database, a Vocus PR product. 800/345-5572. http://www.vocus.com.