Editorial Calendar Alerts

Insure Your Coverage. Don't miss the Nov. 5 deadline if you want to contribute to Advisor Today. The life/health insurance trade magazine (a publication of the
National Association of Life Insurance and Financial Advisors) is planning its annual "look ahead" issue, and is open to expert predictions about the future of the insurance biz.

Contact deputy editor Amy Friedman at 703/770-8100 or fax 703/770-8281. Or send snail mail to 2901 Telestar Court, Falls Church, VA 22042.

Sizzling Tech?

The Dec. 7 issue of EDN (a publication for electronic and engineering managers) will review the hottest products of the year 2000. That is, electronic gadgets and
equipment that made a significant "impact on the first year of the millennium."

If your product is a contender, contact managing editor Joan Lynch before the Nov. 3 deadline. Mail pitches are preferred: 275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02458-1646. Phone is
617/558-4215. Fax: 617/558-4470.

Editorial Calendar Alerts are provided by the National Media Database, a Vocus PR product. 800/345-5572. http://www.vocus.com.