Editorial Calendar Alert

Celebrate Bureaucracy. Government Executive, a monthly business magazine serving federal government bigwigs, is gearing up for its Aug. 15 Procurement Preview
issue, set to feature the "Top 200 Federal Contractors." (Rankings will highlight the biggest providers of products and services to the government.) The magazine boasts a
circulation of 60,000, with subscribers including high-ranking civilian and military officials.

Contact Managing Editor Susan Fourney, preferably by mail, at 1501 M Street, NW, Washington DC 20005-1702. She can also be reached at 202/739-8400. Fax is 202/739-8511.
Deadline is July 13.

Editorial Calendar Alerts are provided by the National Media Database, a Vocus PR product. For more information, call 800/345-5572 or visit http://www.vocus.com.