Do’s and Don’ts for B2B Companies on Facebook

facebook_like_button_blue-625x1000Facebook is nearing its 10th anniversary and has, if you believe the hype from the upper echelons of the company, brought our global civilization ever so closer to universal peace, human rights nirvana and the total eradication of hunger and want.

Even if you don't share the company's  belief in the inherent, liberating benefits to humanity of Facebook, it's hard to deny the power of the social network to expand the reach of brands to new audiences. And when we say brands, we don't mean just B2C brands.

Communications professionals at B2B companies, in particular, continue to be grilled by senior leaders on the value of Facebook to the bottom line. Charles Territo, senior VP of public affairs and marketing communications for business-to-government and business-to-business company American Traffic Solutions, is one such communicator who has succeeded at making the internal case for Facebook engagement, and helped ATS surpass the 36,000 Facebook likes threshold.

Territo shares some do's and don't for B2B and B2G companies, via Facebook:

What has worked for American Traffic Solutions on Facebook

  • Sharing videos and photos (ATS' #1 engagement tactic)
  • Facebook ads
  • Finite Facebook campaigns
  • Promoted posts
  • Highlighting nonprofit partners
  • Integrating other social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube
  • Day-to-day management of negative comments

What hasn't worked for ATS on Facebook

  • Content heavy pages
  • Deleting negative comments
  • Overloading the page with posts and clogging fans' news feeds

If you want to see how it's done in real time, check out ATS' Facebook page.

To get more best practices in Facebook engagement, register for PR News' Nov. 14 webinar "How to Leverage Facebook for PR Success."

Follow Steve Goldstein: @SGoldsteinAI