Consumer Engagement With B2B Video on Twitter Jumps 295% in Q4 ’16

twitter, video

Twitter is supposed to be the text-heavy, nerdy, wonky channel to exchange news and views. Yet video is making large inroads on Twitter, even in the supposedly less-than-visual B2B space. For Q4 2016 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) total consumer interactions, which are the sum of reactions and comments, with posts by B2B brands on Twitter increased 8.6%, compared to the same period in Q4 2015, according to Shareablee data provided exclusively to PR News. Yet consumer engagement with video increased more than 295% during the same quarter. Although a number of the brands on the chart have business-to-consumer units, they also have B2B units, thus their inclusion in the rankings here.

As you can see from the chart, Hootsuite was the most engaged B2B brand on Twitter for the quarter, with more than 200,000 actions. That was up 4% vs the same time period last year. The aforementioned growth in engagement with video was not due to Hootsuite. Video was unimportant to Hootsuite and consumer engagement with its videos fell 13%, says Shareablee’s Nathalie Nuta. The brand’s top post was a linked video thanking fans for their support and breaking the 15 million followers mark.